The Show
You are not responsible for the Show. You do not have to make sure everyone knows their lines or hits their cue. The outcome is not...
Advocate vs Accuser
We need advocates not accusers. People who believe in us instead of believing we should be something, or someone, else. The voice of the...
Claiming The Unfinished
To claim your life as unfinished is not a sign of imperfection. The powerful will say otherwise. With their own blind-spot clouding...
A Death Not Meant For Us To Know
There is a pain in this life we were not meant to know. A death that we were not designed for. Our process unable to compute the loss...
The Beauty Purchase
The Shadow tries to convince that beauty can be marketed for consumption. We believe this for a while and we make its purchase. Our...
This Day
There is too much beauty in this life to rush so quickly. Too much pain to pretend all is “fine”. To stay awake to the moment, in all of...
Be Of Good Heart
“Is this all there is?” This is the question when life feels stuck and unmoving. Its search must surely be rhetorical because we already...
There is a deep beauty that runs through this life. So intrinsically woven even Death cannot remove its brilliant color. The Fool of...
What's In My Journal
Odd things, like a button drawer. Mean things, fishhooks, barbs in your hand. But marbles too. A genius for being agreeable. Junkyard...
Compelled To Confess
I was compelled to confess this week. Not my sin but my affirmation. This confession was not given as if to convince myself, rather it...