Agents of Invitation & Purveyors of Possibility
To give. To love. To create. This is our job. This is our calling.
It is not ours to judge or condemn, or to say, “it has no place”.
There are enough nay-sayers in this life (those who so easily find fault and tear down any structure of possibility). The nay-sayers destroy in an effort to build themselves up with their own versions of “worth” and “value”. Their belief is that there isn’t enough to go around and so they try to engineer an “in” for themselves by pushing others “out”.
But this is not how The Life really works.
True Life says, “There is enough for all; plenty to go around; an abundance for all”.
No need to belittle, no need to ridicule, no need to dismiss.
The True Artist then, is not burdened by a spirit of competition, but enlivened with a spirit of collaboration.
Because we no longer have to pour our energies into guarding territory, we are free to extend ourselves generously and hospitably. We become agents of invitation and purveyors of possibility; Artists, Prophets and Poets who cheer on others, celebrate the work of another, and marvel at the giftedness of a neighbor.
It is out of the environment of welcome that true art is crafted. An art free of fear, founded on love, and big enough to feed the world.