Gave My Sister A Stuffed Animal
Why are you so angry?
“Cuz I gave my sister a stuffed animal”
Giving your sister a stuffed animal made you angry?
“No, I’m glad I gave my sister a stuffed animal”
So why are you angry?
“Because someone is going to steal it”
Someone is going to steal the stuffed animal you gave your sister?
How do you know this?
“Because someone probably will and it makes me angry. If they steal that stuffed animal I will beat them up, I don’t even care; I’ll do it”
Who is ‘someone’?
“I don’t know, I guess the person who is going to steal the stuffed animal”
'Someone is going to steal the stuffed animal I gave my sister.’ Do you know that for sure?
How does it make you feel to have the thought, “Someone is going to steal the stuffed animal I gave my sister”?
“Angry, full fo rage, I can’t sit still”
Yes. That is a difficult and horrible thought to hold isn’t it?
What if you could think a different thought, maybe something like, “My sister is happy I gave her a stuffed animal. She knows her brother loves her.”
“That makes me happy; I feel glad"
Friends, may you be a gracious observer of your own thoughts today. May you bring into question the thoughts that fail to serve your best self. And may you give witness to the goodness around you.