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Boomerangs and Sticks

It’s really tough to know at first glance which are boomerangs and which are sticks. They look so much alike. Our job in this life is to keep picking up and throwing out into this world all that has possibility. Judging the value of what we send out into this life, based on it’s return, is a futile endeavor. We have no way of knowing just exactly how our offerings are used.

Sometimes we get to live in the pure joy of seeing our gift to the world return to us. We see, taste and touch the fruits of our labor. We get to see the ways in which our actions "make sense” in the world and it brings security to our story. I love these boomerang moments...

when you give to Life and Life clearly gives back to you.

Yet, other times, it is sticks we throw. We pick up that which we find interesting and offer it to the world by releasing it into the unknown. We have no idea who will receive it, how it will be received and whether or not it will “make a difference”. These moments of life are far more difficult. "Was it worth my time?” “Was it worth the effort?” "How do I know if my offering matters?”

When we travel down this path of dead end questions we all find despair, sadness, and aloneness. Every-time.

And, if we are not careful, our self talk quickly erodes: “This is pointless”. “This is useless.” “I am useless."

Thankfully, this is not the real story. The truth is that we simply do not have eyes to see what lies in the distance. When we release our work into this world, with the intention of love and wholeness, we may not see its benefit but we can trust it is never lost and never wasted. While we may not know the value, we can be sure our stick-offerings weave together in perfect Love. Every-time.

May you, regardless of the return, keep throwing boomerangs and sticks. Keep picking up that which you find interesting, creative, and unique and release it into this world. May you trust that what you give out in this life is never wasted and never lost. And may you, despite your inability to see far off into the distance, know that Life always uses your offerings and it is always good.

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